Fantasy Figure Drawing Wizardry: 19hr 20min Downloadable Course for only $230AUD! Screenshot 2024-09-23 at 12.52.22 PM copy.jpg

Fantasy Figure Drawing Wizardry: 19hr 20min Downloadable Course for only $230AUD!

Learning to Draw: the Leg Écorché. 1hr 30min Screen Shot 2021-01-21 at 6.17.58 pm.jpg

Learning to Draw: the Leg Écorché. 1hr 30min

The Anatomy of Style:  Mermaid dreams: Long Pose Pt1. 1hr 30min Screen Shot 2020-09-11 at 6.50.10 pm.jpg

The Anatomy of Style: Mermaid dreams: Long Pose Pt1. 1hr 30min

The Anatomy of Style:  Mermaid Dreams: Long Pose Pt2. 1hr 50min Screen Shot 2020-09-11 at 6.56.16 pm.jpg

The Anatomy of Style: Mermaid Dreams: Long Pose Pt2. 1hr 50min

The Anatomy of Style: Character Design: Zombie Bounty Hunters. 1hr Character Design 1.jpg

The Anatomy of Style: Character Design: Zombie Bounty Hunters. 1hr

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The Anatomy of Style: Character Design: Turnaround Character. 1hr 30min

The Anatomy of Style: Learning to Draw: Character Expression Sheet pt1. 1hr 30min Screen Shot 2020-01-30 at 2.40.08 pm.jpg

The Anatomy of Style: Learning to Draw: Character Expression Sheet pt1. 1hr 30min

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The Anatomy of Style: Learning to Draw: Character Expression Sheet pt2. 1hr 30min
