Patrick’s eight part drawing workshop is running at full pelt in ImagineFX magazine. If you missed the early issues they are available as back issues at the ImagineFX website.
‘Artist and teacher Patrick J Jones began honing his creative skills at just 17, and now, over 30 years later, he shares his experience and knowledge in this tutorial-style book: Figures From Life: Drawing With Style. Its luxurious-to-the-touch cover, with its raised typography for the title and a striking sketch of a woman kneeling, provides an early glimpse of the glory held inside. Jones' artistry and advice is spread across 160 pages, and contained within six wonderfully in-depth chapters.’
‘Here's another great book from Patrick J Jones. In The Anatomy of Style: Figure Drawing Techniques, Jones explains how to draw anatomically accurate figures.
The illustrator offers practical tips on things like art supplies and, step by step, body part by body part, explains how to apply the principles of anatomy to your life drawing. He begins with short poses, progresses to the long pose, then extends those principles to creating human figures from imagination.
The first five chapters apply mainly to drawing, the sixth addresses painting, the final features timed life drawings, showcasing the techniques outlined in the book. Detailed notes deconstruct every illustration.’