The Sci-Fi & Fantasy Art of Patrick J. Jones

The Sci-Fi & Fantasy Art of Patrick J. Jones


PDF ebook: 176 pages

Publisher: PJArtworks

Featuring more than 150 paintings and colour compositions, this PDF book features a decade of Patrick's amazing works of fantasy and Sci-Fi art! Bursting with glorious full page depictions of strange worlds, glistening mermaids, magnificent heroes and other-worldly creatures, this download is a must-have for all lovers of the art of the fantastic! Each artwork contains an anecdote behind its creation, providing an in-depth look into the life of one of the world’s most celebrated fantasy artists!

'The work of a driven man! Driven by an incredibly focused passion for those timeless elements…The physicality of heroic myth and unabashed eroticism. The clear and unapologetic love of technique - that hard coalface of our trade that serious artists have to fight so hard to master. The otherworldy strangeness of it all. An imagination on overdrive. This volume, so generous in its revelations of practice, technique and indeed, homage is, right now, the Art Book to acquire. Utterly indispensable’.

Jim Burns, Multi award winning artist.

The Sci-Fi & Fantasy Art of Patrick J. Jones:

‘Our Highest Recommendation!

This is a must-have; this might just be

our favorite art book of the year!’

Bud Plant’s Artbooks

Movie Preview of Book

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